

Symbolbild für eine Person und Textzeilen
Portfolios help to document related content in one digital folder. You can set them up on your personal desktop and make them publicly visible. Portfolios can be helpful to document the learning process or illustrate learning results. Portfolios can be created with the page editor which enables the integration of multimedia and interactive elements.
Since the videos are in German, please follow the English descriptions below.
Create a portfolio
  1. To create a portfolio click on your “Personal Desktop” and select the option “Portfolio”.
  2. By clicking on “Add Portfolio” you can create a new portfolio.
  3. Name your portfolio and decide what is going to be the first page of the portfolio. The option “Page” will create a regular page. If you select the option “Blog” instead you can add a blog from your personal workspace. Blogs can also be added later.
  4. If you select the option “Page” you additionally need to add a title to the page.
  5. Click on “Add” to finish the creation of the portfolio.
Create and edit pages
  1. Under the tab “Content” you can now click on “Add Page” to add further pages to your portfolio. Alternatively you can click on “Add Blog” to insert an existing blog.
  2. Under the “Actions” option you can select “Edit Page” to edit the page in your portfolio.
Sharing your Portfolio with Users, Groups and Courses
  1. To share the portfolio with others, choose the tab “Settings”.
  2. Here you find the option “Online”. Check the box behind it and click on “Save”.
  3. Now select the tab “Share”.
  4. Here you can select the users, groups or courses you want to share the portfolio with.
  1. To share the portfolio with others, select the tab “Settings”.
  2. Here you find the option “online”. Check the box behind it and click on “Save”.
  3. Now select the tab “Share”.
  4. Here you can select the users, groups or courses you want to share the portfolio with.
  1. Select “Personal Desktop” and click on “Portfolios”
  2. Here you also can find “Portfolios of Other Users”.
  3. Under “Title of Resource” you can find the portfolio you are looking for.
click here for German version